This was a great article. I’m really glad I stumbled on it when I did over a year ago. It inspired me & I’ve never forgot it since. Besides it being extremely long the only thing I don’t like about it is that I don’t think enough people got to read it. I really wanted to get in touch with the writer to see if he’d consider doing a consolidated version of it; because it’s good stuff. I think people really need to know about this. And while I did read it from start to finish…. I don’t quite see the general public doing so. People these days read headlines.. & watch YouTube shorts. Either way I’m going to go ahead & post this article a couple places. I’ll include with it a brief summary. I would like to know if as of now the magazine ever did follow through with what Vacaville paid them for.

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Wow. Of no surprise to me. As a business owner and public figure myself, this sloppy money laundering and self interest political behavior reflects the uneducated, egoistical perverse behavior they represent. Those P/T so called politicians and business moguls can brag all they want. Lie all they want. Violate all they want. Commit every crime known to mankind. But believe me when i say...there is not enough toilet paper in the world to scape thier filthy, ignorant, cry me a river A***s!! A child, could better serve that office, them the clowns, that run this town. Keep blowing the whistles. Vacaville needs to hear the truth. Not garbage.

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